
Welcome to a very green blog. We're the GREEN RANGER(s)!!! And this is our IPW blog.

Adlyn F. Andrea Yeo Barry G. Thanawin SUPALERKPANICH


All graphics and codings by designer bwrp. Font by dafont.com.
Friday, July 31, 2009
►what are the consequences of cutting down trees(rainforests)?
we will lose our biggest supply of oxygen and every species of animals that live there will die.if we cut down the trees,then species that live there will be extinct because they lost there habitat their homes.this is called deforestation.not only we have lost a huge amounts of oxygen,the species are hanging on the brink of extinction.

Andrea yeo
/8:16 PM

►why do people cut down trees?
people cut down trees to grow crops and for land development and human purposes.such as Tennis court,swimming pool and more.Trees helps us have ,paper,desks,pencils,and more.
information From wiki.answers .com

Andrea yeo
/7:56 PM

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
►l3anana l3oy
We must work on finding imformation and answers all the keys questions.We answers some of our keys question but there are some the we cannot answers.We find out for our keys questions.Work on our final report and answers all the keys questions.

/8:13 PM

For week 4 my group started working on our project planner. So far, we have collected most of the information and answers to our key questions.We have not learnt much yet, except from our key questions that we have researched on. For the following week, we will have to compile all our research gathered and write a report as our final work. We will also have to work on our oral presentation.

/8:05 PM

Our group have complete our research on our key questions. We need resources such as Internet, books and newspaper articles for our research.We have finished creating our blog and our reflection for week 3 & 5. We have found out more answers to our key questions. The following week, we need to finish our report and work on our oral presentation.

Andrea Yeo
/7:57 PM

Our group have to work more on teamwork and team communication.We work a lot and try to think of the solution and question for the project.When we communicate our work progress faster and when everyone does separate jobs,we work faster.Find out why people cut the trees and protect the environment.

l3anana (Thanawin)
/7:50 PM

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Source: Google
By: Barry
/11:45 PM

1) As for how many trees are cut down each year, the 2005 report concludes that primary forest area was reduced globally by 60,000 square kilometers per year. It’s impossible to get an accurate count as tree density in primary forests varies from 50,000-100,000 trees per square km, so the math would put this number at 3 billion to 6 billion trees per year.
2) As for what purpose this logging is for, 2007 report provides statistics on global production and consumption of woodfuel, round wood and sawnwood. It estimates global production at 1.7 billion, 1.6 billion and 421 million cubic meters respectively with comparable volumes consumed globally. ( Source: http://understory.ran.org/2008/04/22/how-many-trees-are-cut-down-every-year/ )
/11:31 PM

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
/4:11 AM

Friday, July 17, 2009
Our group had to work on the topic we chose which was Environmental Conservation. From there, we chose a current situation related to the topic and listed the factors, desired state and problem statements of the situation. I think our group has been progressing really well as so far, we already have our proposal veiwed and signed. We haven't found out much yet as we are now currently doing our own individual research. For the following week, our group will share our findings from our research and do some planning for our project. We will also need to do more research.

for the green rangers,

please do your research on the following questions

Andrea - Why do people cut down trees?
What are the consequences of cutting down trees

Barry - How many trees are cut down per year?
What happens to the trees after being cut down?

Thanawin - Why is it so important to conserve trees?
How serious is the problem of deforestation in Singapore?

also include the source of your research (e.g newspaper article, website, photographs...)
you can post the info or write down and give it to me. thank you.

/11:54 PM

Thursday, July 16, 2009
1)environmental conservation,to conserve trees from being cut down.
2)we have done the key questions and the suggested resources and our project focus.
3)our group learn that due to chopping down of trees,Singapore has insufficient trees to provide us with oxygen.we also find out that 3 billion to 6 billion trees are cut down per year.From http://understory.ran.org/2008/04/22/how-many-trees-are-cut-down-every-year/
4)we need to do the project log,proposal for project form,confirm time frame for project and assigning of members to different ares of research.
by Andrea yeo
/6:24 AM

►Yoyoyo!!! This is strawberry!
My group is working on the conserving of trees as we are called the GREEN RANGERS!! We have managed to finish our teacher's approval and now planning. We found out that Singapore is trying to grow trees. My group are now discussing for the presentation on this topic.
/12:59 AM

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
hello. testing.
/6:26 AM