Tuesday, August 25, 2009
►week 7 reflection
what did your group have to work on?our group have to finish the model and finish it on estimated time.we are now doing the flyer and touching up on the project.what progress did your group make ?we are finishing our model soon and will be able to present our speech.we are making egg-shell people and high rise bulidings.what did your group learn or find out about?our group learn more about our jey questions and find out more about the consequences of cutting down trees.what does your group need to do on the following week?our group is planning to go to thanawin's house to do the project.and we are planning to finish the project two weeks after today.i also need to do my weekly reflection on this blog.andrea yeo
/8:08 PM
►Week 7 Reflection
What did your group have to work on?We are working on the planning of the model. We planned what materials we should use and what must we draw.
What progress did your group make?We managed to set-up parts of the project and it is almost done.
What did your group learn or find out about?We managed to learn that the cutting of trees is not serious in Singapore but it has been affected by other countries.
What does your group need to do for the following week?We will finish the rest of the model and try to create the speech.
By: Barry^^v
/7:48 PM
/5:25 AM
Thursday, August 20, 2009
►Week 7 Reflection
For the past few weeks, my group has been working on our final work. So far, we are about 1/4 done. We have learnt that we have to work together to work efficiently. I have distributed the work evenly so that everyone will have something to do. For the following weeks, we have to finish up and do the final touches of our final work and also rehearse our presentation.
/4:27 AM
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
What contributions have i made to this project?I have found the answers to the key questions that my group leader has assigned me to do. I found more information about the questions and me and my group have learnt more.I found the answers to my key questions and done my research. I think i have led my group well as we are doing okay so far.I found pictures of tree-cutting and kept asking 'why'. I also did research my leader given me.;DWhat more can i do to make this project a success?I can be more cooperative with my group members so work can be done more quickly. I can find more information for my group to work on this project.I think i should start working on a schedule and planning so that we can finish our project on time and not do it last minute.
I think I have to reduce my 'why' question and focus more with my team.What have i learnt from doing this project so far?I learnt that more trees are being cut down more often and the consequences of cutting down trees are heavy. There are not much trees left in Singapore so we must conserve.I learnt more about the environment. Also, i learnt that if we have good teamwork and cooperation, we can work and progress faster and be successful.I learnt that we should care more enough about the environment than thinking of how to improve our technology.Red - Andrea Yeo
Green - Adlyn
Pink - Barry
/7:47 PM
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
►Week 6 MId Term Group Reflection
What have we done well for this project?We think that we have done our research well as we have managed to find a lot of useful information for our project.We hand in our work on time and we discuss our work in class. We also almost answer all the key questions.
What have we not done well for this project?Thanawin has not much discipline. We have not done well taming him. The leader too noisy. Andrea is too emo. Barry is too playful.
What can we do to make this project a success?We can work harder and faster in order to complete our final work within the time limit. We also have to work together as a group, AS POWER RANGERS!!! :)
/8:02 PM
►Week 5 Reflection
What did your group have to work on?
We worked on key questions.
What progress did your group make?
We managed to know the answer on "Why do people cut down trees", "How many trees are cut down per year" and so on.
What did your group learn or find out about?
We found out that lots of country cut down trees and caused a lot of pollution.
/7:41 PM